. I hope you find my tips useful to you. These are elements that become foundational for the success of both myself and my clients. If you would like to know more about how I can support you and your business/personal vision, why not book a free 30 minute discovery call and lets have a conversation.[…]
Tag: success
3 Foundational Elements for a Successful Day!
“Now that your eyes are open, make the sun jealous with your burning passion to start the day” – Malak El Halabi We all want to have a great day. What is the point otherwise! To feel how we want to feel. To get done what we would like to do. But so often, the sun[…]
3 Steps to move forward in your business
“Nothing changes if nothing Changes” It as been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and yet expecting a different result.And another has said that “nothing changes if nothing changes”. So why do we expect otherwise? Why do we often find ourselves going around in circles, over and over[…]
Why Indecision will smother your business!
“I used to be indecisive, but now I’m not so sure” Is this you? Do you struggle with making a decision?Does it require a complete death analysis and even then, its still hard?When you finally choose, is there a post-mortem on it?…..Maybe you should have gone the other way etc. As a business owner who is[…]
Assumption of a next time
This is the last day of my 48th year on this beautiful planet. 48 quilt covers (reference from an earlier post), all very greatly coloured for sure. How many I have left, who knows. Each one is sacred and not to be taken for granted. Each one is gift. Perhaps even a project – undertaken by[…]
3 simple ways for instant happiness hit
In order to be the best we can be, to achieve what we want, it is essential to be go high! By high I mean on a higher level of perpective. A higher level of feeling. Elevated up and away from the “3-D world” or muddy water of what can suck us dry of energy. When[…]