3 simple ways for instant happiness hit

In order to be the best we can be, to achieve what we want, it is essential to be go high!
By high I mean on a higher level of perpective.
A higher level of feeling.
Elevated up and away from the “3-D world” or muddy water of what can suck us dry of energy.
When you are in that muddy water, it is heavy.
It is low. It is unproductive.
As an ambitious successful business owner, this is not where you want to be.
So there are times you need to give yourself a lift (because we are responsible for ourselves!).
And it can feel impossible.
So how do you do that quickly?
How do get that energy to raise up, taking you and your ambitions with it?
Allow me to share 3 of my tips for immediate escalation!
They are simple and you know them, but have you tried them when you need them most?
No.1: Music
If you are somewhere you can do this, put on your favourite music and get up and dance and sing to it. nothing feels bad when you do this!
No.2: Smile
Especially when you do not feel like it!
Smiling is known to activate the feel good hormones and your mind does NOT know whether it is real or false. So just pretend. Do that false grin but make it a big one! and if you have trouble doing it, hold a pen horizontally in your mouth between your teeth. Do this for 2 minutes and see the instant feel good kick in!
No.3: Jumping Jacks
Or jumping up and down in general. The act of some excessive exercise activates again all the feel good hormones. And the silliness of doing jumping jacks when you might have had a very muddy problem will instantly enable you to see the positives and the perspective of what is really important here.
I would love your feedback if you try these or maybe you have already experienced them.
Fiona Brennan, Success Coach