12 Self Empowerment Tips – to make space for your greatness in 2023

Making space for your greatness in 2023 😁
Day 11 – Become your greatest Cheerleader!
Self praise is no praise – that is the phrase we were brought up with.
Led to believe that any time we praise ourselves, we are just being “full of ourselves”. Showing off.
If you consider yourself to be your most treasured loved one, what would you say to them if they did something well?
In actual fact, you are the only one who can really truly praise yourself.
You are the only one who can build up your confidence and self value.
It does not matter what anyone else says to you, if you don’t believe it yourself, it wont make a difference.
So it HAS to come from you.
From within.
This is why this is called SELF empowerment.
You are the only one who can truly do this.
Empower yourself.
(Apologies for the extra noise in this video due to a windy sea front location 😁)
If you are a business owner, you don’t have the support of a manager telling you how amazing you are. Well done on that job, here’s a bonus, great effort etc. So you have to learn to do it yourself.
Becoming the best version of you starts with you.
Everything in personal development is easy – it’s the application is challenging. Because of the years of beliefs and bias in the “other” direction.
And yes you can change it.
Start gentle … like all the other tips… it is one tiny step at a time.
As mentioned in the video, start by writing one thing every night that you did well that day.
Work on building it up to 3.
Use the phrase “I am amazing because…… “ and complete the sentence.
It can be the most simplest of things you write but it doesn’t matter.
Your mind is listening to you all the time.
If you don’t believe in yourself, who will.
If you are ready to become your most powerful SELF, your greatest cheerleader AND are ready for the right support, watch out for amazing empowering OFFERS coming your way this week.
Enabling and supporting you to create your vision.
My January choices for you, contain both free and paid investments.
The one thing in common is your TIME.
You just need to DECIDE.
Join my FREE 3 Day Masterclass on January 9th – Ignite Your Vision – find out more here.
IF YOU ARE READY to leave the old ways of hard grind behind and embrace more joy, freedom and ease of being a true leader in your business and life…join my 8 Week Programme, Inside Out Success here (starts 31st January 2023).
Yours truly,
Success Coach & PM