12 Self Empowerment Tips – to make space for your greatness in 2023

Making space for your greatness in 2023 😁
DAY 9 – Stop believing everything you think!
Basically our thoughts are on repeat.
Day in day out.
Same ones.
They work off the past.
What your mind “thinks” to be real.
To be important.
Which is just to keep you alive!
Your mind does not care about your dreams.
And it’s afraid of different.
The challenge is… our dreams ARE different.
If you already knew them, you would already have them!
But everything you want is not what you have already.
Its new. It’s change.
And your mind does not like it.
So it will trick you.
And this is where procrastination, fear, self doubt, overwhelm come from.
What can we do?
Watch the video to find out…
This is a big area for deeper discussion.
And it’s a big area to get the head around.
But it’s a big impact when we start to “get” this.
It’s an area I cover in great detail in my 8 Week Programme “INSIDE OUT SUCCESS” which starts 31st January.
Reminder – my FREE 3 Day Masterclass starts on January 9th – Ignite your Vision – Sign up HERE.
Yours truly,
Success Coach & PM