12 Self Empowerment Tips – to make space for your greatness in 2023

Making space for your greatness in 2023 😁
DAY 7 – Learning to Release the Control
Are you a control freak??
Are you even a proud control freak?
Are you the only one who can do anything right? On time?
If you want it done properly, do it yourself etc
But then where is all the energy going?
And what time is left to breathe?
Rest, self care…. All the good things mentioned earlier in the empowerment tips.
Getting to the source of why there is a need for so much control is a whole other level.
But for here, for now, what we are looking for is just again to notice.
Awareness of behaviour.
Awareness of the impact of behaviour.
Followed then by a Willingness to change – to try different.
To be open and curious to the possibility of new outcome.
Watch the video hear more….about my own share.
Trying to maintain control … sucks your energy dry.
And the biggest deception is, it doesn’t even work.
You actually cannot control – you only think you can.
You might notice a theme in some of my empowerment tips…
One needs the other, needs the other etc.
I am here to support.
All of this work is what my clients excel the most in, even if they first come to me about strategy.
All of this work is covered in my 1:1 and my new 8 week programme Inside Out Success (starts in Jan).
For now, become aware of YOUR control habits.
Yours truly,
Success Coach & PM