The importance of decluttering your business

Creating space to allow more of what brings you joy in!
As I type this blog, it is the Summer – first week of July.
If you have kids at home now for while, the schedule is most likely all over the place and trying to find things for them to do and you to do with them.
It can be a great time for clearing out projects !!! …..the bedrooms, the school books, uniform, busy shelves that need dusting etc.
But what about your business?
As it is the half way point of the business year, this might just be exactly what you and your business needs.
My invitation to you as you read is to consider this already known concept – “Declutter”.
But specifically to apply it to your business.
Clutter by its nature is “busy”.
Takes up space.
Which then means there is no more free spots for anything NEW.
I know you know all this.
But maybe this post might prompt you to apply the elements of decluttering to your business.
Because maybe you would like something NEW to come in?
New clients,
New ideas,
New collaborations,
New services….. etc
If you are chockablock full – I would invite you to consider – is it “good” chockablock?
Are the clients your ideal?
Are the networking groups (so many calendar meetings!!) the right ones?
Are you on the right email lists (that you are no longer opening and your 2500 emails in your inbox!)?
Are the folders on your shelf still applicable to what you are doing? (or saving just in case,……)
Your MIND & BODY will thank you!
It is rewarding.
You will FEEL so much lighter.
Lightness is inviting.
Attracting that what you really desire.
Thoughts for you to consider at least… whether it be Summer time or any time indeed.
In the meantime, I came across this brilliant Tedx talk by Sarah Leather earlier this week and I loved its concept – “Simplicity is the new black” Simplicity is the New Black (for Women) | Sarah Leather | TEDxClonakilty Worth a listen.
Apply the simplicity of a clear handbag to everything in your life!
Lighten your load = lighten your mood = Feel Amazing.
So IF YOU ARE READY to declutter and would like some support doing so –
perhaps figuring out what to let go of, guidance for decisions and boundaries etc,
A POWER HOUR session may be exactly what you need. Check out my “Inspired Action CEO” Hour Inspire Action Success – Inspired Action CEO Hour
Always here to support you – book a complimentary call HERE at a time that suits you.
Personal & Business Transformational Success Coach