Inspire Action Success

Breathe, Trust and Let Go.

facing your fear

I have a strange relationship with heights.

Not quite fully afraid of them – I can climb ladders, high peaks, go onto tall roofs etc.

But there is definitely fear there.

And last week, while on holiday with my daughter, I figured out that moving objects are the trigger!

Horse riding!

She is mad about animals and we saw a sign along the road. So off we went to book her in for a treck.

“You too Mum!”.

Yikes…but “go on so”.

All was fine until they brought George out, saddled him up, and called me over.

So tall! And I am not.

The fear rush as I am now on board a moving object.

The trainer is saying way too many words too quickly about holding reins, pull this way, that way, how to activate him, and so much more.

George is shuffling his feet. “Stop! I want to get off!”

A young lady comes over and leads us out. My heart is literally pounding out of my chest. I don’t know where my own lady is as my head is frozen in place.

“It is only a stroll. It is only one hour. Come on girl you can do this”… I say in my mind. And then I remember. I remember to breathe. (I think I had actually stopped).

I breathe deeply. 3 times. Instant impact. So I continue to do so. Body relaxes… into the saddle. George is strong. George has done this a million times. George has got this! I keep breathing, as focused breathing brings me fully into the present. And in the present moment, all is well. There can be no “what if’s” thinking. I am just in the moment of the deep breathing. And I let go. Not of the reins, but of the fear. And I trust George.

Now I can see the look around me and see the beautiful Connemara landscape. I can even turn my head to see my daughter behind me with the happiest of faces. And I start chatting.

I am not going to lie – there was not a complete let go – a moment of George deciding to do a few funny moves was startling. But enough for me to actually enjoy the moments of this holiday activity. Enough to say I might try it again soon!

In summary, action is powerful for fear. But combine it with focused breathing, and it becomes something you can actually enjoy and repeat.

So, what is your fear? What is it stopping you from doing? What fun or business thing are you allowing it to hold you back on? Reach out if I can be of any support to you.

By: Fiona Brennan, Success Coach
