Creating Your Dreams – Day 2💭

Day 2 …..of working WITH your Mind to create your dreams.
Yesterday I spoke about the importance of clarity.
Becoming CLEAR.
- Because clarity directs decision making.
- Decisions empower action.
- Action creates results!
- Results are the steps of your dream.
But another core and foundational element for decision making is the right state of mind.
BE-ing in the present.
BE-ing Calm.
BE-ing fully Conscious.
Why is this important and How do we BE it?
Listen to my Day 2 video below to find out more.
When you are calm, when you are conscious, you are in the present moment.
When you are in anything other than a state of calm, you’re either in the future or in the past.
And when we’re in either of those two scenarios, your mind is actually in full operation of you, and you have no control over what it is you’re trying to make happen. You just THINK you do.
I would like to invite you to consider the power of calm. It is very simple by just taking little short breaks, breaks to just sit and be silent, sit and to just be set. And to take a deep breath. And when you have your clarity on what it is you want to create and make happen. And when you create that space of calm and present consciousness, then you really start to take your power back. You really start to make your vision come to life.
So I invite you today to listen to THIS short video and to do the exercise that brings you to that foundational effortless space.
Tune in tomorrow for Day 3.
Always here to support you – book a complimentary call HERE at a time that suits you.
Success Coach & PM